$value) { $$varName = $value; #echo "POST: $varName = $value
"; } foreach($_POST as $varName => $value) { $$varName = $value; if(trim($value) == "" && $varName != "version"){ $error .= "
  • Required field, ".$varName." cannot be empty.
  • "; } #echo "POST: $varName = $value
    "; } if($_GET['debug'] == 1){ echo "Errors: ".$error; } if (isset($submit) && trim($error) == "") { $text = "NRP Instructor Technical Support\n\n"; $text .= "First name: " . $firstname . "\n\n"; $text .= "Last name: " . $lastname . "\n\n"; $text .= "Instructor ID #: " . $instructorid . "\n\n"; $text .= "Activation Code: " . $activationcode . "\n\n"; $text .= "Phone: " . $phone . "\n\n"; $text .= "Email: " . $email . "\n\n"; $text .= "Operating system: " . $os . "\n\n"; $text .= "NRP Instructor Product: DVD-ROM, Version ".$version."\n\n"; $text .= "Item: " . $item . "\n\n"; $text .= "Error message: " . $errormessage . "\n\n"; $text .= "Description: " . $description . "\n\n\n\n"; $text .= "[this is an automated email]\n"; mail("support@mycmecredit.com,nrpsupport@mycmecredit.com", "NRP Instructor TECHNICAL SUPPORT: $firstname $lastname", "$text", "From:" . $email . "\r\nReply-to:" . $email); $sentemail = 1; } ?> NRP Instructor - DVD-ROM: Technical Support

    NRP Instructor DVD-ROM: Technical Support

    "; print "Name: " . $firstname . " " . $lastname . "
    \n"; print "Instructor ID: " . $instructorid . "
    \n"; print "Activation Code: " . $activationcode . "
    \n"; print "Phone: " . $phone . "
    \n"; print "Email: " . $email . "
    \n"; print "Item: " . $item . "
    \n"; print "Operating system: " . $os . "
    \n"; print "NRP Instructor Product: DVD-ROM
    \n"; print "Error message: " . $errormessage . "
    \n"; print "Description: " . $description . "

    \n"; } else { if($error != ""){ echo "

    There was an error with your request:

    "; echo ""; echo "

    "; } ?> There are some known issues with the DVD-ROM, which are addressed on the NRP Updates page. If those fixes do not help, then please fill out and submit the information below.
    Your request will be sent to the American Academy of Pediatrics and you should receive a response within 1-2 business days. All fields are required.

    First name:

    Last name:

    NRP Instructor ID #:

    NRP Instructor Activation Code:


    Daytime phone:

    Operating system:

    NRP Instructor Item number:
    What Item were you viewing when the problem occurred?

    Error message you saw on screen (if any):
    Please include the full text of the error, as precisely as you can. An error message usually appears in a separate small alert box that pops up with an "OK" button or text that says "Continue?" with buttons "Yes" and "No."

    Description of the problem:
    Please be as detailed as possible, explaining where you were in the software, what window(s) you had open, what button(s) you had just clicked, etc., so that we can try to reproduce and fix the problem.